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Care. Light

With Care. Light, the products are designed to minimize the factors that cause all discomfort effects. In contrast, it renders true colors of things, such as food, skin, plants, and interiors - making things shine on their beauty.


The pandemic has restricted us from going outside and spending time with our families and friends. Today we are getting to spend more time under artificial light. ​LED lighting prevails in the market, but not all LED lights are made equal. Some LED lights may appear to flicker or produce a stroboscopic effect. Inferior artificial lights could cause distraction, irritation and affect certain health conditions.

Therefore, we’ve been working closely to develop quality lighting product as it is vital in productivity, children’s eyesight development, aiding the elderly, and our wake-up and sleep cycle. We strive to develop products to conform to our standard that measures products against defined main criteria: flicker, stroboscopic effect, photo-biological safety, and color rendering, factors that can impact us physically and emotionally.

Benefits of Care. Light

To enhance the lighting experience, we studied how professionals and architects see about lighting. Through careful observation and masterful engineering, we can offer LEDs that are bright as if it is natural, maintaining comfort feel to your eyes.

Designed for amplifying natural skin tone to make skin look more radiant. Conventional LEDs make your skin look yellowish or dull. In contrast, Care. Light LEDs correctly render the color of your beautiful skin.

Conventional LED

Care. Light LED

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Not only the color of skin tone, the high color fidelity of Care. Light LEDs would make food and interior look more “visually pleasant”

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Benefits o Care. Light

Stay comfortable

Depending on the specification, LEDs can look and feel completely different. Care. Light keeps your comfort as if it's natural light.

The sun is a constant source of light that doesn't flick but LEDs aren't. While the human eye may not notice, visible flickering light can decrease visual task performance, cause eye discomfort (tired eyes), increase headache occurrence, eyestrain, and cause annoyance.

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In Care Light, we affirm using quality components to minimize the discomfort effects caused by visible flickering light. Choose Care. Light and stay away from low-quality lighting.

The secrets of Care. Light

Colors would be distorted by light sources without high CRI values, in particular red tones. Therefore, Care. Light engineered the color spectrum to represent red tones as vividly as possible. And by seeing the space vividly, You can also get a feeling of Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect.

Conventional LEDs make colors of objects appear to be drab and dull and translate people into pale skin tones and unappealing, lifeless eyes. 

Care. Light LEDs are designated to render materials as natural incandescence and avoid flat, washed-out hue to whatever it illuminates.

Female Bust
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Enhance red-tone to be more vivid

lady doing make up
The secrets of Care. Light
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